The Baptism Question

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything so I figured I would post about this. Recently after talking to a couple of LDS missionaries and hearing their POV on the issue and looking at how Evangelicals look at it, I have come to the conclusion that while one side puts to much importance on getting baptized, the other side undermines its significance. As you know, despite me not being that religious per-se, I like to study on different faiths simply because when I converse with others, I don’t sound like an idiot. So without further ado, the views both sides have on Baptism

Evangelical POV


So looking at both views on the issue, Personally, If Evangelicals believe it’s just an identity issue, than why put emphasis on encouraging baptism? It’s not going to determine whether or not you really do hold true that Christ is your savior and saved you from yourself. There was a reason Jesus got baptized, he didn’t just do it because he needed to cool off in the Jordan

Mormonism, puts to much stress that it’s a prerequisite to being saved and a covenant with G-d, which I have reservations about. It is written that you are “saved by the grace through salvation”, not through a mandated baptism done by someone ordained by their priesthood. G-d doesn’t keep tallies on these things and Jesus Christ doesn’t hold popularity contests.

In short what I’m saying is both IMHO, kinda miss the point to what Baptism is, what it signifies and why it’s done. I won’t say both are wrong though because both have valid points to this too.

Anywho. I will try to post more often and I would like to hear your viewpoints on this. Be respectful to differing opinions

I won’t be dancing over his death

You know now that Fred Phelps has died, I know for a fact that many are ready to pop out the fine Champagne and celebrate that a hateful and hated man is now gone from this earth,  I’ve heard almost everyone say that he is either burning in hell or he will soon rotting in the ground to be nothing more than bones and his flesh will be devoured by the insects that soon accompany him.

Yes, he and his minions loved to picket funerals, bash gays and just get in the way. His church held up signs that said thank G-d for IED’s, G-d hates fags and so on. They love to bring up about how it’s written that Homosexuality is an abomination in Leviticus, but forgot that Arrogance, Slander and Hypocrisy are also considered abominations too

(Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to G-d, Assuredly, he will not be unpunished.)

Proverbs 15:6

(The perverse in heart are an abomination to G-d, But the blameless in their walk are His delight.)

Proverbs 11:20

He will not be missed by me, but even giving him the satisfaction of celebrating his death would make me as arrogant as he was.

Well the Olympics are almost over

With Canada now beating the U.S in both Men’s and Women’s hockey (No surprise there) I can’t help but miss it when it’s gone. I am very proud of Team USA, though we won’t win the 37 medals like we did in Vancouver, I can at least say that we did better than I thought we were, and we made history or broke droughts in events where the U.S lagged in. We only have 2 more days of the Olympics and then I will be engaged in the Paralympics when March 7th comes around to root on our Paralympians.

I will say though there are times where I think I’ve followed it like it was a religion which isn’t good because there are other important things in life. However, I want to say that watching the games again was excellent and I can’t wait for the World Cup in the summer, the Women’s World Cup in 2015 as well as the Pan American Games the same year and both are in Toronto and so on. 

Thank you Team USA. You’ve proven once again that are Athletics are still strong and we are still a force to be reckoned with 

Dear Anonymous

I know for a fact that we don’t know each other until now, when you couldn’t let me or a friend of mine eat our Korean BBQ or Sushi Rolls in peace, because of your jabbering about masturbation, porn and scoring tonight before you and your butterfaced mates were asked to leave the restaurant. I’m sure you won’t be getting the latter when the moon comes up on this valentines day. Sorry for calling you an  idiot and all but the only thing you will be mouth hugging is that cheap bud light you had while you reeked of body odor and cheap cologne. But I figured I would answer the questions you yelled out to the patrons waiting that caused me to respond to you in such a manner, starting with has anyone here watched porn, then has anyone masterbaited and lastly are we getting any tonight.


Yes I have on both masterbaition and porn but that’s nothing new under the sun because if you look up any research, poll or survey, at least 85% of men in this nation and shockingly a slight majority of women now have either watched porn, looked at at nude pics and have at least thought of engaging in role play. The percentage gets higher when you look at masterbaition. I’m sure your little 2 inch is pretty beaten up because of the latter

On the last question, no, I’m not getting any tonight, which is fine by me because FWB only go so far and I’m not in the mood anyways.

So, if we ever see each other again I hope to answer your questions directly, and if you are actually having sex tonight, word of advice, do at least rinse off in the shower. I’m sure whomever you’re screwing tonight will be quite grateful…



From Russia with Love

You know I was going to talk about My Zionist beliefs and my support for Israel, but I think many that already know me well enough would know that would be a rerun and all things considered, I figured I would talk about something that’s been on my mind as of late, The winter Olympics and the Location.

And Let me start with the articles that I read that made me wonder about whether or not Sochi was ready for this or if Russia will be ready in 2018 when they host the world cup,0,3172243.column

In other words, one would have thought that Putin and the Russian Duma would at least keep up appearances but it’s obvious that the writing is on the wall and Sochi isn’t the Black Sea Resort many people were expecting it to be when the games are now beginning. I was encouraged to boycott these games based on Russia homophobic, anti speech laws and many people expect that there could be a terror attack during the games at some point

But despite all of that, I will watch them, because our athletes need our support be they LGBT or Straight and I have waited to long for these games to happen to not watch them now. This goes for the Paralympics too.

With that said, let me just say Go USA and Let the Games Begin 


My Dream Last Night

Last Night I had an interesting dream about the things that I have just mentioned and I woke up scratching my head but at least content that I knew the most important details of the dream.Just by looking at the location and what I remember, my dream was inside a dim but elegant castle that I could tell belonged to the Devil, considering the vibe and uneasiness of the other guests yet I was unfazed but I felt a bit like a wallflower too, I don’t remember if it was a dinner party or not but I noticed that many were drinking what was known as Bloodwine according to the Devil. To me it tasted like a Tempranillo-Malbec Blend, but I knew this wine was actually blood, but I didn’t bother to ask the Devil. I remember sitting next to the Devil who had told me that G-d was expected to come later but I had a feeling it would be a bit more sooner. As I glanced at the Devils clothing I couldn’t help but think to myself how well dressed he was, in his expensive and well tailored clothing, mostly black with hints of midnight purple. Nothing the stereotypes of what I was told in culture depicted of what I seen before my eyes.The Devil asked me why I didn’t use the white elephant gifts I was given or at least put them to use, the tarot cards, quija board, rune stones, crystals, witchcraft books and the book on tea leaf readings. I told him that I don’t take such things seriously as I find them to be absurd. The Devil smiled at me and said that my indifference on such things is why he took an interest in me, I didn’t use them, but I won’t throw them out either. They were gifts.


Finally the Devil and I felt G-d enter the room, I could not see him, but I knew he was there just my the way I tingled and by the way the Devil rolled his eyes.I’ll leave you two be he said as he calmly got up from the chair but by the look in his eyes, you could tell this was an uninvited guest in his home as he left the table looking quite bitter and irritated.As I pour another glass of bloodwine, I knew this conversation wasn’t going to be so cordial but more to the point. “Are you enjoying yourself he asked me. I would, if I didn’t feel like I was on the outside looking in I replied.”Before I finally woke up, I remember the last words G-d said to me. “Don’t let this fool you, this ambiance, this bloodwine, this elegance and this facade. Because that’s all this is, nothing more than a dream and if you really want to know what life is about, you need to talk to me more. Because unlike the Devil, I will tell you things you’re not going to want to hear.Then I woke up